India’s top court upholds Kashmir’s loss of special

  • last two strongholds in the Jabalya and Shejaiya areas, according to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The director general of the Ministry of Health in Gaza described heavy fighting and a significant presence of Israel's
    The State Department will be able to apply the policy to both Israelis and Palestinians who are responsible for attacks in the West Bank, Blinken said.
    The president also hailed the work his administration has done to secure the release of hostages still held in Gaza and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the region.
    The IDF says it is trying to minimize civilian casualties, and accuses Hamas of embedding itself in civilian infrastructure. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has warned there is “no effective protection of civilians” in Gaza.

    “We will work on imposing sanctions against extremist settlers in the West Bank,” Borrell told reporters in Brussels, saying he is alarmed by recent violence in the occupied territory.
    Ra Page, 51, is a publisher and founder of Comma Press, in Manchester, England. He worked with Alareer on numerous literary projects and workshops over the years. They met in person in Gaza City, in August 2022.

    CNN Gaza reporter’s relatives killed and childhood home destroyed in two separate strikes
    Still, Biden said in remarks marking the fifth night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah that Israel was in “a tough spot,” following the Hamas attack and subsequent war in Gaza.
    “It’s something we don’t talk about. We don’t even want to think about how these kids, the homes, the lives (that) get destroyed again and again every few years,” he recalled.
    International pressure: The UNGA is scheduled to resume its emergency session on Tuesday. Egyptian and Mauritanian representatives are attempting to revive efforts to secure a ceasefire, invoking a resolution that allows UNGA to make recommendations when the Security Council is judged to have failed to maintain international peace. It comes after the US vetoed a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Friday.
