Defendants accused of violating US securities laws.

  • The Nitzana crossing is nearly 50 kilometers (more than 31 miles) from Rafah.
    who were trapped under rubble in central Gaza. In northern Gaza, Israeli troops are encircling Hamas’ Refaat Alareer (left) sits with his friends and colleagues, Yousef Aljamal (center) and Jehad Abusalim (right), on the Staten Island Ferry in New York during a book tour in 2014. As the Israeli military steps up its campaign to defeat Hamas in northern Gaza, hospitals there remain under siege, according to doctors. Israel’s military has a significant presence in Gaza's largest refugee camp where heavy fighting and dozens of casualties have been reported, the director general of the Ministry of Health in Gaza told CNN. He later accused Israel of fabricating evidence of sexual assault by Hamas on October 7. CNN reported on survivors saying they either directly witnessed sexual violence or saw clear evidence of it. ‘Towering figure in Palestinian society’ Climbing death toll: The IDF reported Monday that three Israeli soldiers had been killed fighting against Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total number of IDF troops killed in the enclave to 100. Later Monday, the IDF also said five reservists were killed on Sunday during a raid in southern Gaza. Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a new visa restriction policy targeting “individuals believed to have been involved in undermining peace, security, or stability in the West Bank, including through committing acts of violence or taking other actions that unduly restrict civilians’ access to essential services and basic necessities." Thirty-four injured Palestinians and four buses carrying an unknown number of foreign nationals also crossed from Gaza into Egypt Monday, a CNN journalist at the Rafah crossing said. So far, more than 1,200 American citizens, residents and family members have left the enclave, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said Monday. CNN obtained a copy of the letter from an EU official. DC, this week, and had reached out to the White House asking to attend Tuesday’s reception but were not invited.
