India’s top court upholds Kashmir’s loss of special

  • He accused the Israeli military of forcing displaced people out of their shelters.
    Israel launched its military operation in Gaza with the stated aim of eliminating Hamas and rescuing the more than 240 hostages taken during the militant group’s October 7 attack, which killed more than 1,200 people in Israel.
    The IDF says it is trying to minimize civilian casualties, and accuses Hamas of embedding itself in civilian infrastructure. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has warned there is “no effective protection of civilians” in Gaza.
    Borrell's remarks also follow the announcement of a new visa policy by the United States targeting the same violent individuals.
    He had been a vocal critic of Israel and a source of comments that caused offense to people outside Gaza, willing to be interviewed by many news outlets for Palestinian rights.

    Climbing death toll: The IDF reported Monday that three Israeli soldiers had been killed fighting against Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total number of IDF troops killed in the enclave to 100. Later Monday, the IDF also said five reservists were killed on Sunday during a raid in southern Gaza.
    Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a new visa restriction policy targeting “individuals believed to have been involved in undermining peace, security, or stability in the West Bank, including through committing acts of violence or taking other actions that unduly restrict civilians’ access to essential services and basic necessities."
    He left behind his wife, and children aged 7 to 21. CNN has been unable to reach members of Alareer’s family.
    CNN obtained a copy of the letter from an EU official.
    The leaders ended the letter by warning that the EU’s “credibility is at stake.”
    “We're working relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. I personally spent countless hours – and I mean it, probably up to 20 hours with the Qataris and Egyptians, the Israelis – to secure the freedom of hostages, to get the trucks in, to get the humanitarian aid flowing, to convince them to open the gate, to have [Egyptian President Abdel Fattah] El-Sisi — make sure he opened the gate into Egypt,”
    Thirty-four injured Palestinians and four buses carrying an unknown number of foreign nationals also crossed from Gaza into Egypt Monday, a CNN journalist at the Rafah crossing said. So far, more than 1,200 American citizens, residents and family members have left the enclave, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said Monday.
