The petition appeared on the Supreme Court’s website

  • “If you want to pray, you cut it short because there’s bombing around. If you want to eat, you stop eating because there’s bombing around.
    “I am about 700 meters away from the clashes and can hear screams from where I am," he said. Josep Borrell’s comments come amid growing concern that Israel is not doing enough to prevent hardcore settlers from launching attacks on Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank. The remarks appear to support Israel’s contention that its forces are closing in on what it claims are two Hamas strongholds in the north of Gaza — Jabalya and Shejaiya. They suggested convening an international peace conference with Israel and Hamas “in order to implement the two-state solution.” who were trapped under rubble in central Gaza. In northern Gaza, Israeli troops are encircling Hamas’ “To describe him; he was generous, above all. Gracious, gentle, patient, funny. He had a wicked sense of humor,” he added. Several family members of the American citizen hostages missing in Gaza had asked to attend a Hanukkah reception at the White House Monday night but never received invitations, the father of a 19-year-old missing Israeli-American told CNN. Refaat Al-Areer (left) sits with his friends and colleagues- Yousef Aljamal (center) and Jehad Abusalim (right)- on the Staten Island Ferry- during a book tour in (month) 2014 Biden was joined by second gentleman Doug Emhoff and a group of White House officials descended from Holocaust survivors who lit the White House menorah. Some of the families have called on the White House to consider making a side deal with Hamas that focuses on just the American hostages, and have even floated the idea of cutting the Israeli government out of initial negotiations altogether. The remarks appear to support Israel’s contention that its forces are closing in on what it claims are two Hamas strongholds in the north of Gaza — Jabalya and Shejaiya.
