Taiwan official: Chinese leaders met to hash out

  • From CNN's Celine Alkhaldi, Kareem Khadder and Michael Rios
    A White House spokesperson declined to comment.

    https://huggingface.co/pangyoop Al-Bursh said the Al Awda hospital in northern Gaza has been under siege for many days. "We are writing to you in view of the step taken by United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, invoking Article 99 of the United Nations Charter for the United Nations Security Council to address urgently the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza," the leaders said in the opening paragraph of their letter. He taught them “how to use English, the language of the countries that have been responsible for and complicit in their dispossession, genocide and blockade, to narrate their own stories,” added El-Haddad, 45. "Given the gravity of the situation and the potential of an escalation in the West Bank and regionally, it is imperative for us to hold a serious debate on the war during the upcoming European Council that will take place on December 14 and 15," the leaders stressed. Nine years on, Alareer said he and many other Gazan parents felt “helplessness and despair” because they have no way to protect themselves, or their children, from Israel’s persistent strikes.

    https://h4.io/@crawnor Biden was joined by second gentleman Doug Emhoff and a group of White House officials descended from Holocaust survivors who lit the White House menorah. Authorities said that trucks containing water, food, medical supplies and equipment for shelter will be screened at both crossings —"and will be forwarded from there to international aid organizations in the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing in Egypt." "We are writing to you in view of the step taken by United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, invoking Article 99 of the United Nations Charter for the United Nations Security Council to address urgently the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza," the leaders said in the opening paragraph of their letter.
