Supreme Court decide to hear the case and side with Musk,

  • “It’s something we don’t talk about. We don’t even want to think about how these kids, the homes, the lives (that) get destroyed again and again every few years,” he recalled.
    “It’s an archetypal Palestinian image of a discussion, a debate on should we stay in one room, so if we die, we die together, or should we stay in separate rooms, so at least somebody can live?” he said.
    A White House spokesperson declined to comment.
    The president pointed to his support for Israel, while acknowledging daylight on issues between himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, joking that he had once told the Israeli leader: “I love you, but I don’t agree with a damn thing you have to say.” He added: “It’s about the same today.”
    The president pointed to his support for Israel, while acknowledging daylight on issues between himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, joking that he had once told the Israeli leader: “I love you, but I don’t agree with a damn thing you have to say.” He added: “It’s about the same today.”

    “We're working relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. I personally spent countless hours – and I mean it, probably up to 20 hours with the Qataris and Egyptians, the Israelis – to secure the freedom of hostages, to get the trucks in, to get the humanitarian aid flowing, to convince them to open the gate, to have [Egyptian President Abdel Fattah] El-Sisi — make sure he opened the gate into Egypt,”
    “I am about 700 meters away from the clashes and can hear screams from where I am," he said.
    Biden said. “And there's a whole range of things going on now that are really very, very difficult. We've gotten more than 100 hostages out and we're not going to stop till we get every one of them home.”
    Beginning Tuesday, Kerem Shalom crossing will open for security checks on aid shipments from El-Arish, the Egyptian town where much of the aid for Gaza is assembled, COGAT spokesperson Shan Sasson said in a video statement released on the social media platform X,
    CNN Gaza reporter’s relatives killed and childhood home destroyed in two separate strikes
    His death on Thursday sparked tributes from friends, colleagues and students across the globe.
    Still, Biden said in remarks marking the fifth night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah that Israel was in “a tough spot,” following the Hamas attack and subsequent war in Gaza.
