Relinquishment of that right cannot grant the government a power denied to it by the

  • Ra Page, 51, is a publisher and founder of Comma Press, in Manchester, England. He worked with Alareer on numerous literary projects and workshops over the years. They met in person in Gaza City, in August 2022.
    “My fondest memories are of jumping into his hilariously small car – definitely the smallest, quirkiest, possibly oldest car in Gaza and driving around listening to audiobooks and podcasts with him. He loved audio literature,” Page told CNN on Friday.
    However, COGAT added that "no supplies will be entering the Gaza Strip from Israel and that all the humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip will continue to enter via the Rafah crossing in Egypt."

    Born in Shajaiya, in the eastern part of Gaza City, he said his family was forced to relocate to the Tel-al-Hawa area of Gaza City, after their home was destroyed by Israeli bombardment during the 2014 war that also claimed his younger brother Hamada, who was 27 when he was killed.

    Israeli tanks are spread out in the northern area of the Jabalya camp, Dr. Munir Al-Bursh said.
    Josep Borrell’s comments come amid growing concern that Israel is not doing enough to prevent hardcore settlers from launching attacks on Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank.
    “Refaat’s life was not without its challenges. Despite personal tragedies and the harsh realities of life in Gaza, he remained unwavering, using his pen and his voice to fight back, to write back,” he told CNN.
    However, Hani Almadhoun, the director of philanthropy for the US arm of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA USA) said he knew a dozen people pictured in circulating images, including his brother — all of whom were civilians.
    Thirty-four injured Palestinians and four buses carrying an unknown number of foreign nationals also crossed from Gaza into Egypt Monday, a CNN journalist at the Rafah crossing said. So far, more than 1,200 American citizens, residents and family members have left the enclave, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said Monday.
    Another challenge for Borrell will be to convince all EU members to support any new sanctions policy. Several states, among them Hungary and Austria, are among Israel’s strongest international supporters.
    military around the Jabalya refugee camp. A hospital in the center of Gaza City, Kamal Adwan, is also surrounded by Israeli forces, according to Dr. Ahmed Al-Kahlot.
