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  • As the Israeli military steps up its campaign to defeat Hamas in northern Gaza, hospitals there remain under siege, according to doctors.
    Refaat Alareer (left) sits with his friends and colleagues, Yousef Aljamal (center) and Jehad Abusalim (right), on the Staten Island Ferry in New York during a book tour in 2014.
    The Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Spanish President Pedro Sanchez, Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo described the death toll, the destruction and the humanitarian situation brought about by the war in Gaza as "alarming."
    The leaders ended the letter by warning that the EU’s “credibility is at stake.”
    Israeli authorities said Monday that two crossings into Gaza will be used to help screen humanitarian aid destined for the territory.

    After formal hostage negotiations that had been taking place in Doha, Qatar, fell apart, the Biden administration continues to be in close contact with their Israeli, Qatari and Egyptian counterparts about ways to get more hostages out, according to officials.
    CNN’s Kareem Khadder, Ibrahim Dahman and Eyad Kourdi contributed reporting.
    “We will work on imposing sanctions against extremist settlers in the West Bank,” Borrell told reporters in Brussels, saying he is alarmed by recent violence in the occupied territory.
    “We’ll continue to provide military assistance to Israel until they get rid of Hamas, but we have to be careful — they have to be careful,” Biden said. “The whole world’s public opinion can shift overnight, we can’t let that happen.”
    Civilians like Alareer were confronted with an impossible predicament. Stay home and risk being killed, or try to flee without protection. At the time, the 44-year-old writer and academic told CNN he and his family had no choice but to remain in the north, because they “have nowhere else to go.”
    CNN’s Kareem Khadder, Ibrahim Dahman and Eyad Kourdi contributed reporting.
    Images of detained men: The United States is seeking answers from the Israeli government about the status of the individuals seen in recent images of men detained and stripped down in Gaza and the circumstances around the images. Miller, with the State Department, called the photos "deeply disturbing." A spokesperson for the IDF claimed to CNN last week that the men were members or suspected members of Hamas.
