Provision’s constitutionality, Musk wants the Supreme Court to rule that the

  • The reception, hosted by President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden, celebrates the fifth night of Hanukkah. It will feature some 800 guests, according to the White House, including Holocaust survivors, lawmakers and various Jewish leaders.
    Rawan Yaghi, who was taught by Alareer and is now a 30-year-old writer based in Canada, said he was a “leader of literary resistance.”
    He accused the Israeli military of forcing displaced people out of their shelters.
    He had written a poem anticipating that he might be killed, titled “If I must die.”
    Senior Gaza health official describes Israel’s expanded military presence in Jabalya refugee camp

    The remarks appear to support Israel’s contention that its forces are closing in on what it claims are two Hamas strongholds in the north of Gaza — Jabalya and Shejaiya.
    International pressure: The UNGA is scheduled to resume its emergency session on Tuesday. Egyptian and Mauritanian representatives are attempting to revive efforts to secure a ceasefire, invoking a resolution that allows UNGA to make recommendations when the Security Council is judged to have failed to maintain international peace. It comes after the US vetoed a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Friday.
    Rawan Yaghi, who was taught by Alareer and is now a 30-year-old writer based in Canada, said he was a “leader of literary resistance.”
    Al-Bursh said the Al Awda hospital in northern Gaza has been under siege for many days.
    “We’ll continue to provide military assistance to Israel until they get rid of Hamas, but we have to be careful — they have to be careful,” Biden said. “The whole world’s public opinion can shift overnight, we can’t let that happen.”
    "We are writing to you in view of the step taken by United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, invoking Article 99 of the United Nations Charter for the United Nations Security Council to address urgently the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza," the leaders said in the opening paragraph of their letter.
    Israel’s military has a significant presence in Gaza's largest refugee camp where heavy fighting and dozens of casualties have been reported, the director general of the Ministry of Health in Gaza told CNN.
