It could limit the SEC’s latitude to negotiate settlements with

  • "We are writing to you in view of the step taken by United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, invoking Article 99 of the United Nations Charter for the United Nations Security Council to address urgently the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza," the leaders said in the opening paragraph of their letter.
    The sounds of strikes hitting a building feel as though “the whole earth reverberates,” he said.
    In recent days, between 60 and 100 trucks have been using Rafah crossing to enter Gaza — a volume that the United Nations and other aid agencies say is far too little to mitigate the territory’s humanitarian crisis.
    Dr. Ahmed Al-Kahlot told CNN on Monday the hospital he runs in the center of Gaza City, Kamal Adwan, is surrounded by Israeli forces.
    Authorities said that trucks containing water, food, medical supplies and equipment for shelter will be screened at both crossings —"and will be forwarded from there to international aid organizations in the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing in Egypt."

    The Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Spanish President Pedro Sanchez, Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo described the death toll, the destruction and the humanitarian situation brought about by the war in Gaza as "alarming."
    Still, Biden said in remarks marking the fifth night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah that Israel was in “a tough spot,” following the Hamas attack and subsequent war in Gaza.
    During his interview with CNN, Alareer called on the international community to see the “humanity” in Palestinian people, adding: “Feel their pain. Put yourself in their shoes.”
    Hamas terror attack on Netanyahu personally. Numerous people told CNN they believed that allowing the payments made Hamas stronger and, ultimately, made the brutal attacks worse.
    Images of detained men: The United States is seeking answers from the Israeli government about the status of the individuals seen in recent images of men detained and stripped down in Gaza and the circumstances around the images. Miller, with the State Department, called the photos "deeply disturbing." A spokesperson for the IDF claimed to CNN last week that the men were members or suspected members of Hamas.
    Leaders from 4 European Union countries call on EU Council chief to discuss Gaza ceasefire at summit From CNN’s James Frater and Niamh Kennedy in London
    Thirty-four injured Palestinians and four buses carrying an unknown number of foreign nationals also crossed from Gaza into Egypt Monday, a CNN journalist at the Rafah crossing said. So far, more than 1,200 American citizens, residents and family members have left the enclave, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said Monday.
