Status in ruling hailed by Modi

  • During his interview with CNN, Alareer called on the international community to see the “humanity” in Palestinian people, adding: “Feel their pain. Put yourself in their shoes.”
    Refaat Alareer (left) sits with his friends and colleagues, Yousef Aljamal (center) and Jehad Abusalim (right), on the Staten Island Ferry in New York during a book tour in 2014.
    The sounds of strikes hitting a building feel as though “the whole earth reverberates,” he said.
    Nine years on, Alareer said he and many other Gazan parents felt “helplessness and despair” because they have no way to protect themselves, or their children, from Israel’s persistent strikes.
    Civilians like Alareer were confronted with an impossible predicament. Stay home and risk being killed, or try to flee without protection. At the time, the 44-year-old writer and academic told CNN he and his family had no choice but to remain in the north, because they “have nowhere else to go.”

    "Given the gravity of the situation and the potential of an escalation in the West Bank and regionally, it is imperative for us to hold a serious debate on the war during the upcoming European Council that will take place on December 14 and 15," the leaders stressed.
    CNN’s Kareem Khadder, Ibrahim Dahman and Eyad Kourdi contributed reporting.
    CNN obtained a copy of the letter from an EU official.
    Images of detained men: The United States is seeking answers from the Israeli government about the status of the individuals seen in recent images of men detained and stripped down in Gaza and the circumstances around the images. Miller, with the State Department, called the photos "deeply disturbing." A spokesperson for the IDF claimed to CNN last week that the men were members or suspected members of Hamas.
    International pressure: The UNGA is scheduled to resume its emergency session on Tuesday. Egyptian and Mauritanian representatives are attempting to revive efforts to secure a ceasefire, invoking a resolution that allows UNGA to make recommendations when the Security Council is judged to have failed to maintain international peace. It comes after the US vetoed a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Friday.
    “It’s an archetypal Palestinian image of a discussion, a debate on should we stay in one room, so if we die, we die together, or should we stay in separate rooms, so at least somebody can live?” he said.
    In this image, taken by Ra Page, Alareer (left) can be seen sitting opposite Page's wife, Basma el Farra (right), at a restaurant bar called el-Bakka, during their last night together in Gaza City, in August 2022.
