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  • Biden was joined by second gentleman Doug Emhoff and a group of White House officials descended from Holocaust survivors who lit the White House menorah.
    “We remember and carry on Refaat’s legacy. Refaat the storyteller, father, husband, son, teacher, and friend.”
    Following the comments, a BBC spokesperson said his comments “were offensive and we don’t intend to use him again (as a commentator).”
    The European Union’s foreign policy chief says the EU will work on introducing sanctions against Jewish settlers who commit acts of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.
    He left behind his wife, and children aged 7 to 21. CNN has been unable to reach members of Alareer’s family.

    The president pointed to his support for Israel, while acknowledging daylight on issues between himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, joking that he had once told the Israeli leader: “I love you, but I don’t agree with a damn thing you have to say.” He added: “It’s about the same today.”
    Alareer began teaching literature, creative writing, poetry, translation and Shakespeare at the Islamic University of Gaza in 2007. He described himself as a writer and educator.
    The president also hailed the work his administration has done to secure the release of hostages still held in Gaza and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the region.
    Israel’s military has a significant presence in Gaza's largest refugee camp where heavy fighting and dozens of casualties have been reported, the director general of the Ministry of Health in Gaza told CNN.
    "Given the gravity of the situation and the potential of an escalation in the West Bank and regionally, it is imperative for us to hold a serious debate on the war during the upcoming European Council that will take place on December 14 and 15," the leaders stressed.
    “Refaat’s life was not without its challenges. Despite personal tragedies and the harsh realities of life in Gaza, he remained unwavering, using his pen and his voice to fight back, to write back,” he told CNN.
