Defendants accused of violating US securities laws.

  • “Even the slamming of a door sometimes brings you these memories,” he said “That’s why we usually say there is no post-war trauma for Palestinians. It’s nonstop.”
    Climbing death toll: The IDF reported Monday that three Israeli soldiers had been killed fighting against Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total number of IDF troops killed in the enclave to 100. Later Monday, the IDF also said five reservists were killed on Sunday during a raid in southern Gaza. Israeli strikes have so far killed about 17,700 Palestinians in Gaza from October 7 through December 9, according to a report published by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah on Sunday. The report cites medical sources from the Hamas-controlled enclave. At least 70% of those killed in Gaza were women, children and the elderly, the report said. Following the comments, a BBC spokesperson said his comments “were offensive and we don’t intend to use him again (as a commentator).” “You want to hug your kids like you usually do, or tell them stories or pat them on the head,” he said. “But you don’t want to do it because you don’t want to feel, or make them feel, that this is like a farewell hug. International pressure: The UNGA is scheduled to resume its emergency session on Tuesday. Egyptian and Mauritanian representatives are attempting to revive efforts to secure a ceasefire, invoking a resolution that allows UNGA to make recommendations when the Security Council is judged to have failed to maintain international peace. It comes after the US vetoed a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Friday. “We will work on imposing sanctions against extremist settlers in the West Bank,” Borrell told reporters in Brussels, saying he is alarmed by recent violence in the occupied territory. Climbing death toll: The IDF reported Monday that three Israeli soldiers had been killed fighting against Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total number of IDF troops killed in the enclave to 100. Later Monday, the IDF also said five reservists were killed on Sunday during a raid in southern Gaza. Alareer began teaching literature, creative writing, poetry, translation and Shakespeare at the Islamic University of Gaza in 2007. He described himself as a writer and educator. Nine years on, Alareer said he and many other Gazan parents felt “helplessness and despair” because they have no way to protect themselves, or their children, from Israel’s persistent strikes. There are still seven American men and one woman unaccounted for since the Israel-Hamas war began, according to the White House. Four Americans — a four-year-old girl and three women — have been released so far. CNN Gaza reporter’s relatives killed and childhood home destroyed in two separate strikes
