Twitter that he would be taking Tesla private and that he had “funding secured” for the maneuver.

  • “Even the slamming of a door sometimes brings you these memories,” he said “That’s why we usually say there is no post-war trauma for Palestinians. It’s nonstop.”
    “There is no food, or water, or medicine there — where approximately 250 people are still trapped inside. Anyone who tries to leave the hospital is shot at,” he said.
    "We are writing to you in view of the step taken by United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, invoking Article 99 of the United Nations Charter for the United Nations Security Council to address urgently the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza," the leaders said in the opening paragraph of their letter.
    Several family members of the American citizen hostages missing in Gaza had asked to attend a Hanukkah reception at the White House Monday night but never received invitations, the father of a 19-year-old missing Israeli-American told CNN.
    Israeli tanks are spread out in the northern area of the Jabalya camp, Dr. Munir Al-Bursh said.

    Ra Page, a colleague of Al-Areer, told CNN the literature professor was "a great foodie." In this image, taken by Page, Al-Areer (left) can be seen sitting opposite Page's wife, Basma el Farra (right), at a restaurant-bar called el-Bakka, during their trip to Gaza City, in August 2022.
    who were trapped under rubble in central Gaza. In northern Gaza, Israeli troops are encircling Hamas’
    However, Hani Almadhoun, the director of philanthropy for the US arm of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA USA) said he knew a dozen people pictured in circulating images, including his brother — all of whom were civilians.
    Some of the families have called on the White House to consider making a side deal with Hamas that focuses on just the American hostages, and have even floated the idea of cutting the Israeli government out of initial negotiations altogether.
    DC, this week, and had reached out to the White House asking to attend Tuesday’s reception but were not invited.
    Israel launched its military operation in Gaza with the stated aim of eliminating Hamas and rescuing the more than 240 hostages taken during the militant group’s October 7 attack, which killed more than 1,200 people in Israel.
    The sounds of strikes hitting a building feel as though “the whole earth reverberates,” he said.
