Climate change and an aging population are making the problem worse

  • Following the comments, a BBC spokesperson said his comments “were offensive and we don’t intend to use him again (as a commentator).”
    However, Hani Almadhoun, the director of philanthropy for the US arm of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA USA) said he knew a dozen people pictured in circulating images, including his brother — all of whom were civilians. Al-Bursh said the Al Awda hospital in northern Gaza has been under siege for many days. Israeli authorities said Monday that two crossings into Gaza will be used to help screen humanitarian aid destined for the territory. The Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Spanish President Pedro Sanchez, Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo described the death toll, the destruction and the humanitarian situation brought about by the war in Gaza as "alarming." International pressure: The UNGA is scheduled to resume its emergency session on Tuesday. Egyptian and Mauritanian representatives are attempting to revive efforts to secure a ceasefire, invoking a resolution that allows UNGA to make recommendations when the Security Council is judged to have failed to maintain international peace. It comes after the US vetoed a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Friday. Refaat Al-Areer (left) sits with his friends and colleagues- Yousef Aljamal (center) and Jehad Abusalim (right)- on the Staten Island Ferry- during a book tour in (month) 2014 천호오피 Alareer spoke to CNN from Gaza City, on October 12 and October 13. He gave consent in written messages to share the recording in the event of his death. CNN obtained a copy of the letter from an EU official. Still, Biden said in remarks marking the fifth night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah that Israel was in “a tough spot,” following the Hamas attack and subsequent war in Gaza. His death on Thursday sparked tributes from friends, colleagues and students across the globe.
