It could limit the SEC’s latitude to negotiate settlements with

  • He taught them “how to use English, the language of the countries that have been responsible for and complicit in their dispossession, genocide and blockade, to narrate their own stories,” added El-Haddad, 45.
    Israel has said that dozens of men shown in unauthorized videos apparently filmed by Israeli soldiers after their surrender last week were suspected Hamas members, though many of the people in the videos have been identified as civilians. Following Alareer’s death, people in New York and London held vigils to honor his memory. “Refaat’s life was not without its challenges. Despite personal tragedies and the harsh realities of life in Gaza, he remained unwavering, using his pen and his voice to fight back, to write back,” he told CNN. During his interview with CNN, Alareer called on the international community to see the “humanity” in Palestinian people, adding: “Feel their pain. Put yourself in their shoes.” He taught them “how to use English, the language of the countries that have been responsible for and complicit in their dispossession, genocide and blockade, to narrate their own stories,” added El-Haddad, 45. The maternity ward was hit Monday afternoon local time by tank shelling, killing two women and leaving two more so badly wounded their legs required amputation, he said. Crossing in and out of Gaza: Sixty-one trucks loaded with humanitarian aid entered Gaza through the Rafah crossing on Monday, according to an Egyptian official. Israeli authorities have also said they will start conducting security screenings at the Kerem Shalom and Nitzana Crossings.…%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80/ “We have the faith, we have the belief that we have a fair cause, a just cause, to struggle to fight back for freedom, for basic human rights. We’ve been stripped out of this,” he told CNN. The remarks appear to support Israel’s contention that its forces are closing in on what it claims are two Hamas strongholds in the north of Gaza — Jabalya and Shejaiya. “We remember and carry on Refaat’s legacy. Refaat the storyteller, father, husband, son, teacher, and friend.”
