Rghts when it required, as part of a 2018 settlement, that

  • CNN Gaza reporter’s relatives killed and childhood home destroyed in two separate strikes
    Refaat Al-Areer (left) sits with his friends and colleagues- Yousef Aljamal (center) and Jehad Abusalim (right)- on the Staten Island Ferry- during a book tour in (month) 2014

    https://www.mtg-forum.de/user/…%82%A4%EC%8A%A4%EB%B0%A9/ “We're working relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. I personally spent countless hours – and I mean it, probably up to 20 hours with the Qataris and Egyptians, the Israelis – to secure the freedom of hostages, to get the trucks in, to get the humanitarian aid flowing, to convince them to open the gate, to have [Egyptian President Abdel Fattah] El-Sisi — make sure he opened the gate into Egypt,” “We count the years by how many wars our kids survive.” The letter added, "We cannot go back to the status quo before October 7, with Hamas in control of Gaza and with the Palestinian Authority undermined by the lack of any serious political perspective," Multiple families told CNN that while they felt supported by the Biden administration’s outreach and support so far, the Israeli government has, in stark contrast, been minimally engaged.

    https://huggingface.co/sanbonop “My fondest memories are of jumping into his hilariously small car – definitely the smallest, quirkiest, possibly oldest car in Gaza and driving around listening to audiobooks and podcasts with him. He loved audio literature,” Page told CNN on Friday. Images of detained men: The United States is seeking answers from the Israeli government about the status of the individuals seen in recent images of men detained and stripped down in Gaza and the circumstances around the images. Miller, with the State Department, called the photos "deeply disturbing." A spokesperson for the IDF claimed to CNN last week that the men were members or suspected members of Hamas. He had written a poem anticipating that he might be killed, titled “If I must die.” Another challenge for Borrell will be to convince all EU members to support any new sanctions policy. Several states, among them Hungary and Austria, are among Israel’s strongest international supporters.
