Musk is battling the SEC on multiple fronts. In addition to his Supreme Court petition

  • But as CNN has previously reported, the seeming lack of progress on this front is fueling the families’ growing anxiety.
    As Israeli warplanes bombarded northern Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told civilians to evacuate their homes immediately and go south. In the letter, they also highlighted the “urgent need” for a “political process on the basis of the implementation of the two-state solution.” "The decision was made in order to improve and upgrade the capabilities and volume of security screening of the humanitarian aid being admitted into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing in Egypt," COGAT said. “Refaat’s life was not without its challenges. Despite personal tragedies and the harsh realities of life in Gaza, he remained unwavering, using his pen and his voice to fight back, to write back,” he told CNN. Alareer was a “towering figure in Palestinian society,” said Abusalim, the writer and friend based in Washington, DC. United Nations data has shown a sharp increase in attacks by settlers against Palestinians since October 7 — though European and US diplomats working in the region have been expressing concern for years about such violence and the sense that it frequently goes unpunished by Israel. The Nitzana crossing is nearly 50 kilometers (more than 31 miles) from Rafah. In recent days, between 60 and 100 trucks have been using Rafah crossing to enter Gaza — a volume that the United Nations and other aid agencies say is far too little to mitigate the territory’s humanitarian crisis. “We're working relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. I personally spent countless hours – and I mean it, probably up to 20 hours with the Qataris and Egyptians, the Israelis – to secure the freedom of hostages, to get the trucks in, to get the humanitarian aid flowing, to convince them to open the gate, to have [Egyptian President Abdel Fattah] El-Sisi — make sure he opened the gate into Egypt,” “There is no food, or water, or medicine there — where approximately 250 people are still trapped inside. Anyone who tries to leave the hospital is shot at,” he said.
