Lower courts held that Musk waived his First Amendment rights by signing the SEC agreement in the first place.

  • “We remember and carry on Refaat’s legacy. Refaat the storyteller, father, husband, son, teacher, and friend.”
    The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will resume its emergency session on Tuesday, days after the United States vetoed a resolution that included a ceasefire. At the same time, four European Union countries are calling for a discussion at an upcoming EU summit on the necessity of a ceasefire in Gaza.

    https://filmfreeway.com/ceonan…ceonankiseubangceonanculj “The simultaneous security checks at Kerem Shalom and Nitzana crossings will double the volume of aid delivered through the Rafah crossing and admitted into the Gaza Strip,” Sasson said. Israel has said that dozens of men shown in unauthorized videos apparently filmed by Israeli soldiers after their surrender last week were suspected Hamas members, though many of the people in the videos have been identified as civilians. Human rights groups have said that Israel’s attacks on civilians amount to a war crime, as does their forcible evacuation. He taught them “how to use English, the language of the countries that have been responsible for and complicit in their dispossession, genocide and blockade, to narrate their own stories,” added El-Haddad, 45. United Nations data has shown a sharp increase in attacks by settlers against Palestinians since October 7 — though European and US diplomats working in the region have been expressing concern for years about such violence and the sense that it frequently goes unpunished by Israel. Following Alareer’s death, people in New York and London held vigils to honor his memory.

    https://opopsssitecom598w.setmore.com The president pointed to his support for Israel, while acknowledging daylight on issues between himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, joking that he had once told the Israeli leader: “I love you, but I don’t agree with a damn thing you have to say.” He added: “It’s about the same today.” As Israeli warplanes bombarded northern Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told civilians to evacuate their homes immediately and go south. The letter added, "We cannot go back to the status quo before October 7, with Hamas in control of Gaza and with the Palestinian Authority undermined by the lack of any serious political perspective," Climbing death toll: The IDF reported Monday that three Israeli soldiers had been killed fighting against Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total number of IDF troops killed in the enclave to 100. Later Monday, the IDF also said five reservists were killed on Sunday during a raid in southern Gaza.
