Twitter that he would be taking Tesla private and that he had “funding secured” for the maneuver.

  • Several family members of the American citizen hostages missing in Gaza had asked to attend a Hanukkah reception at the White House Monday night but never received invitations, the father of a 19-year-old missing Israeli-American told CNN.
    "The decision was made in order to improve and upgrade the capabilities and volume of security screening of the humanitarian aid being admitted into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing in Egypt," COGAT said.
    Alareer began teaching literature, creative writing, poetry, translation and Shakespeare at the Islamic University of Gaza in 2007. He described himself as a writer and educator.
    However, COGAT added that "no supplies will be entering the Gaza Strip from Israel and that all the humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip will continue to enter via the Rafah crossing in Egypt."
    Civilians like Alareer were confronted with an impossible predicament. Stay home and risk being killed, or try to flee without protection. At the time, the 44-year-old writer and academic told CNN he and his family had no choice but to remain in the north, because they “have nowhere else to go.”

    In 2014, Alareer edited “Gaza Writes Back,” a collection of short stories by young writers documenting their lives under Israeli blockade. He was also co-editor of “Gaza Unsilenced,” a collection of essays, photos and poetry published in 2015 that documented the pain, loss and faith of Palestinians under Israeli siege. He also contributed to “Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire,” an anthology published in 2022. A native of Gaza City, he studied at University College London and SOAS, in London.
    The remarks appear to support Israel’s contention that its forces are closing in on what it claims are two Hamas strongholds in the north of Gaza — Jabalya and Shejaiya.
    Here's what else to know:Intense fighting continues: Israel's operation in central Gaza has intensified in the days since the brief truce ended, resulting in an uptick in fatalities recorded in
    Separately, the leaders of Ireland, Spain, Belgium and Malta wrote a letter to the European Council chief calling for a discussion of a ceasefire at an upcoming European Union summit.
    "The decision was made in order to improve and upgrade the capabilities and volume of security screening of the humanitarian aid being admitted into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing in Egypt," COGAT said.
    He left behind his wife, and children aged 7 to 21. CNN has been unable to reach members of Alareer’s family.
    “His teaching wasn’t just about imparting knowledge; it was about empowerment, about using language as a weapon against oppression,” Abusalim added.
